- Console view now supports Multiple TSM Servers in a single pane
- Added some new Look and Feel Themes
- Fixed Issue when saving Console Manager when the window is maximized then after re-opening Console Manager the application window will not be displayed
- Add Server Name to Process and Session Tabs
- Fixed Issue with Test TSM Server Connection Dialog
- Show Running Processes
- Show Running Sessions
- Console Windows can now be split horizontally and vertically
- Fixed Issue with TSM port number always displaying 1500 when editing
- Some new Look and Feel Skins
- Console Windows can now float ( At least one window must be docked but all the others can float ), Just double click the header
Fixed Null Object Exception when changing Look and Feel for the first time
Fixed issue with no output in About Box
Added Toolbar Button with link to Spirit Software website
Version 1.0.4
Fixed up null object exception error when start TSM Console Manager
Fixed up null object exception error when submitting a command
Added Check for Updates
Added Show and Clear TSM Server Connection Errors Menu Items
Version 1.0.3
Fixed up an issue when deleting Filters
Version 1.0.2
Fixed Open Console Menu Item issue being enabled in the wrong context
All exes are now digitally signed
removed all licensing – TSM Console Manager is now free
Version 1.0.1
Fixed an issue that the Look and Feel settings were not saved when closing and opening the TSM Console Manger