Whenever TSM Studio has trouble connecting to a TSM Server a Red Exclamation Mark will appear next to the Server and in the Main Tool bar. Until the error is cleared TSM Studio will not connect to that TSM Serves, this is to ensure that if the error is password related that the userid will not get locked.
To see what the error is right click on the TSM Server in the TSM Server Navigation Window and Select Show Server Connection Error or Click in the Red Exclamation Mark in the Tool bar.
Once the Error has been corrected Clear the Error by selecting the Clear Server Connection Error from the TSM Navigation Window context menu or select the Error in the Connections Dialog Box ( Visible after selecting the Rad Exclamation Icon on the Main Tool bar) and press the Clear Server Error button
Red Exclamation Connection Error Indicators
Select the TSM Server in the TSM Navigation Window and right click to bring up the context menu and select Show Server Connection Error or Press the Icon on the Main Tool bar
This will display the Connection Errors Dialog, Once the Error is fixed, Select the Error from this dialog and Press the Clear Server Error button on the bottom of the dialog and the Red Exclamation Icons will disappear
Posted in: TSM Studio