The columns in a Dataview can be customized in a number of ways,
- Columns can be moved
- Columns can be hidden
- Column Display Text can be changed
- The alignment can be changed
- The format of the data can be changed
To modify the columns right click on the dataview to display the dataview context menu and select columns ( or choose columns from the menu bar ). A dialog will be displayed showing a list of all the available columns and their settings.
Use the up and down arrow keys on the menu to change the order the columns are displayed.
To Hide a field click on the Hidden field for the column to hide.
To Change the Display text for a field click over the text in the Column Display Text field.
Use the Alignment Column to select the alignment for that column.
The Format field is used to the control how the column displays its data for example.
N0 defines a number field with no decimal points.
N2 defines a number field with 2 decimal points.
G defines a date field and shows just the date.
g defines a date field and shows the date and time
These are standard dotnet formats. If you want to have the data displayed in a different way let us know and we will help you format the data the way you want to see it.
Posted in: Dataviews, TSM Studio