We suggest you read the following Article on Collocation before reading this Article –> Read Here
As noted in the article on collocation. The main problems you will come across with collocation is running out of scratch tapes andor a large number of tapes in a filling status. The main cause of this is having a storage pool with a collocation method of Group and then having no collocation groups or nodes not in collocation groups.
Using TSM Studio go to the Trouble Shooting category and open the Nodes not in Collocation Group dataview.
To Add a Node(s) to a Group simply right click the select Add to A Group
After putting all your nodes in a group, You will now need to move the data off the current tapes so that TSM can collocate the nodes and their data.
There are a number of ways to do this and here are two of them
1. To do this use the Move Data command on each tape and move the data back to the primary disk pool so that the migration process can move the data back to tape using the collocation you specified.
2. Or use the Move Data command to move the data to the same storage pool as the tape is already in, TSM will then move the data from the selected tape and collocate the data with nodes from the same group on other tapes.
Using TSM Studio to run the move data command. Open the Volumes Dataview from the Libraries and Volumes category Right Click on the Tape and Choose Move Data
Choose the Storage Pool to move the data to
Posted in: TSM, TSM Studio